Frequently Asked Questions

Let us answer some of you burning questions. Also don't hesitate to get in contact with us if you have more queries!

What are the 2024 dates for Mat Pilates?

All intakes for 2024 are closed. Please join our wait list to be the first to know about 2025 dates.

Where are the trainings held at?

The Health Oasis,

46 Browns Road, Kingston TAS.

How does the pricing work?

You can either pay upfront or on a 6 month payment plan.

What if I can't attend one day, or a couple of days of the course - can I still participate?

If you need to miss a day or a couple of days of the F2F course, this must be arranged in advance.

The attendance rate for the face to face training is 90% - therefore you can technically miss 1 day out of our 11 contact days. However, it is of course ideal that you are in attendance of 100% of the training.

If you miss any more than 1 day of the contact days, you must do a makeup session.  Makeup sessions are charged at an additional $200/hour, and are usually 1:1 sessions (unless another student also happened to miss the same day, then you can do a makeup session together and split the cost). Because the makeup sessions are usually 1:1, it's common for the sessions to be only between 1-3 hours, because we can generally get through the content quicker in a 1:1 setting. 

You will need to arrange your 1:1 session with Dani, and the number of hours will be dependent on the content that was missed. 

Do I need any qualifications in fitness to participate?

No, you do not need to have your Cert III and/or Cert IV in Fitness.

Our courses are approved by AUSactive (previously named Fitness Australia), and so you can be assured that you will be able to gain insurance, and employment, upon graduation. 

Our courses have been designed for anyone to undertake. We teach you everything. All you need is a love for Pilates! 

Can't I just do a weekend course and get a qualification?

While it may seem daunting to invest time and resources into pursuing your passion, it is crucial because it not only ensures you teach safe and effective classes, feel confident to teach, and can get insured at the end of your training. The extensive practice teaching during a Super Natural Collective teacher training program is invaluable, as it ensures that you have extensive opportunity to refine your teaching skills, develop your teaching style, and receive feedback from experienced instructors.

Our Teacher Training programs are designed to emphasise practice teaching, and over the course of the training, you will teach a total of five full-length pilates classes (you can’t do that on a weekend course!)

Remember, time is a non-renewable resource. Once it's gone, you can never get it back. Investing your time in something you're truly passionate about, such as Pilates, ensures that you're making the most of the precious hours and days that make up your life. It's an investment that pays dividends not only in terms of career satisfaction but also in personal fulfilment and happiness.

So, if you're ready to invest in your passion for Pilates and reclaim your future, join us!

How long will it take to get qualified?

Most people take an average of 3 months to complete all of their assessments, but you could complete your assessments quicker than this if you really wanted to! One way to do this is to enrol early, so you can get access to your online learning portal, plus your Personal Practice Logbook and start logging the classes you attend (most people find this the most time consuming part of the assessment as you need to physically attend classes). 

You do have a total of 6 months (from the date of our first contact day), to complete all of your assessments.

We won't let you slip or forget about you. In the kindest way, we keep you accountable, via our ongoing mentoring program, and individual check-ins along the way to see how you're going with your assessments. 

We are proud to have a 100% completion rate, and are dedicated to helping you complete your assessments and get your certificate!

What do the assessments involve?

Most of your assessments are done before, or during our face to face training:

Pre-Course: approximately 15 hours of pre-course study, and a series of mini-quizzes, to complete before we meet for our first contact day.

During the Course: 1x written exam, and 1x practical assessment (a full length class delivery).

Beyond the Course: 40 classes Personal Practice (7 are delivered during the course), 5x class observation report, 10x home practice classes (teaching classes to friends and family), plus 1x reflective book report

Note: once you enrol, you can start logging your personal practice classes, and start your pre-course study. It is definitely beneficial to enrol early if you would like to get qualified as quickly as possible. 

What support do I receive along the way?

You get SO MUCH SUPPORT when you choose to study with Super Natural Collective!

- You'll get email access with Dani upon enrolment, where you can ask questions regarding your pre-course study or upcoming contact days.

- You'll get Dani with you during the face to face training, as well as multiple expert facilitators for topics such as Human Anatomy and Personal Branding

- You'll get access to our current cohort's Facebook group for community support and announcements throughout our training

- You'll get access to our SNC Alumni Facebook group for continued community support and job opportunities

- You'll get our ongoing post-course mentoring program (fortnightly Zoom calls) with Dani, and occasional guest experts

What does a typical day look like on the training course?

A typical day starts with a Pilates class with Dani, followed by a mix of theory learning and practice teaching. We take a lunch break around 1pm each day. 

Towards the end of the course, the days are more practice-teaching heavy, though we try to divide these days up across different muscle groups so that you don't get too sore! You'll also be teaching full-length classes towards the end of the course, and participating in full-length classes with a partner too. 

We pride ourselves on providing LOTS of practice teaching to make you the best teacher possible. There is a lot of practical on our courses - and at the end of the day it's a Pilates course, so this is to be expected!. We've done our best to provide balance within the training days though some days are more practical than others. We will always encourage you to take breaks as you need (and brings lots of snacks!).

How much homework is there during the face to face course?

Honestly, not much. We understand that it's a commitment to give up your weekends while you're training with us, so we think it would be unfair to load up your working weeks with homework.

At the most, you may be required to write a short exercise set to deliver the following weekend. We don't expect this to take more than half an hour (unless you want to put in some practice as well, which is completely your choice). 

And we promise to never, ever give you homework on a Saturday night!

Are there any hidden costs?

You can 100% complete our courses without ANY additional costs. 

The only additional costs you might encounter could include:

-any makeup sessions you may want or need (for if you miss any contact days)

-additional classes outside of the course, but this does NOT have to incur any additional cost. As mentioned above in the question about assessments, you do need to attend a total of 40 classes to complete your Personal Practice Logbook. 7 classes are delivered by Dani during our face to face course, and ALL 33 additional classes CAN be done online via the classes on our online learning portal, if you'd prefer not to purchase a membership or class pack at a local studio. 

- there are 2x text books you are required to read for both courses. You can purchase these, or contact Dani to borrow hers. If Dani's aren't available, she may be able to source them from previous graduates for you to lend. 

Are there any prerequisites?

The prerequisites are:

1.1. A minimum of 30 hours of personal Mat Pilates practice, including at least 6x Mat Pilates classes with Dani.

These could be in-studio if you're in Hobart (reach out to Dani to find what public classes she is taking currently), or online SNC classes - which are provided to you within your online learning portal upon enrolment. 

2. Approx 15 hours of pre-course study - which is provided to you within your online learning portal upon enrolment. This pre-course study includes subjects such as Anatomy, Instructional Skills, Class Programming etc, as well as a series of mini-quizzes. 

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